Nurse-patient relationship in the quality of care of a sick


  • Alexis Sanchez Estudiante pregrado Enfermería
  • Litmer Manuel Ruíz Vargas Estudiante pregrado Enfermería
  • Joe Silva Alva Estudiante pregrado Enfermería



Communication, care, nurse-patient and nursing, nurse-patient , nursing


The analysis explores the nurse-patient relationship and its influence on the quality of medical care. In the field of nursing, seen as a form of social interaction, the ability to communicate effectively and maintain professional standards is essential to direct care toward the patient. The importance of clear communication and intercultural understanding in the field of nursing is highlighted. Furthermore, it is highlighted that the nurse-patient bond, perceived as a therapeutic partnership, plays a vital role in improving health outcomes. The approach involves conducting a literature review of publications on nursing practices, ethical considerations, and communication, using academic databases. The findings underscore the need to provide comprehensive and moral medical care, in which communication and a caring relationship are essential to treat patients competently and compassionately.

Author Biographies

Alexis Sanchez, Estudiante pregrado Enfermería

Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Litmer Manuel Ruíz Vargas , Estudiante pregrado Enfermería

Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Joe Silva Alva , Estudiante pregrado Enfermería

Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza


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How to Cite

Sanchez, A., Ruíz Vargas , L. M., & Silva Alva , J. (2025). Nurse-patient relationship in the quality of care of a sick. Conocimiento Enfermero, 8(27), 3–7.



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