Analysis of the difficulties that nurses face in the care of trans*.

Nursing care from a sexological perspective.


  • Alexander Cano Lozano Enfermero



nursing, sexology, trans, sexual diversity, inclusive healthcare


Introduction: Trans people show significative barriers in the healthcare that are perceived as prejudices and discrimination, or perhaps, as unknowledge or  lack of formation by the heath staff. The objective of this study has been to know the necessities or conflicts that nurses have to face related to the health of trans people in order to offer them a similar treatment that ensures an equal attention and quality health cares.

Objetive: The main objective in this investigation has been to know the limitations that nurses have to face in the attention to trans people in Madrid.

Methodology: In the development of this study have been consulted different databases that have allowed us to contextualIze the trans reality. Subsequently, a questionnaire has been made in which have been included sociodemographic variables and a Negative Attitudes scale towards Trans people (EANT). The data have been considered using  the chi – square proof in order to determine if there is a significative relation between the variables studied.

Result: A total of 265 nurses completed the questionnaire. In the answers we can find a low level of transphobia. The results in the questionnaire show that nurses  demand more information and sensitization to facilitate the healthcares.

Discussion: The proposed hypothesis have not resulted statistically significative, but other findings have appeared that make evident the necessity to get a correct formation and to create attention protocols as other Autonomous Communities possess.

Conclusion: It is important that nurses, as social agents, assume an active rol and they face to the current challenges. Each nurse can contribute in a significant way in the daily practice to generate a confort and security atmosphere for trans people.


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How to Cite

Cano Lozano, A. (2025). Analysis of the difficulties that nurses face in the care of trans*.: Nursing care from a sexological perspective. Conocimiento Enfermero, 8(27), 23–40.



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