The Pediatric Stroke Code.

New challenge in emergency services


  • Cristina Olmo Ruiz Enfermera
  • Gloria García Cañuelo Enfermera



Stroke, protocols, stroke code, pediatric patient, nursing


In recent years there has been a growth in knowledge of strokes in childhood, not only of the etiology but also of diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The importance of this entity lies in the morbidity and mortality it produces. Most signs and symptoms of Stroke are nonspecific and easily attributable to other causes. The absence of structured and updated protocols favors this high rate of undiagnosed cases.

The main objective of this review is to analyze and update the knowledge about the health care provided to pediatric patients with stroke. For this, a review of the existing literature has been carried out, based on an exhaustive bibliographic search carried out in databases.

After analyzing and comparing the different articles obtained from the bibliographic searches, it is concluded that the Stroke is one of the emerging public health problems. The real influence of certain risk factors, the effectiveness of prevention and the treatments used in these patients remain controversial issues. It is important to be able to determine the stroke mechanism and the age of presentation, because the cause and risk factor strongly influence the prognosis, and consequently, the treatment. The stroke constitutes the prevalent, potentially serious disease paradigm of avoidable consequences and whose prognosis depends on the speed and effectiveness of the actions, where nursing plays a fundamental role.

Author Biography

Cristina Olmo Ruiz, Enfermera

Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria



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How to Cite

Olmo Ruiz, C., & García Cañuelo, G. (2025). The Pediatric Stroke Code.: New challenge in emergency services. Conocimiento Enfermero, 8(27), 8–22.



Estudios de revisión bibliográfica