Effectiveness of the use of the questionnaire and portable spirometer in the primary care consultation


  • Elena Monteagudo García Enfermera Especialista en Familiar y Comunitaria UDM de Atención Famiiar y Comunitaria Centro (Madrid)
  • Elisabeth Gutiérrez Bermúdez Enfermera Especialista en Familiar y Comunitaria UDM de Atención Famiiar y Comunitaria Centro (Madrid)




copd; vitalograh


COPD is a high prevalence disease with an important impact both at the health and personal levels. However, we can refer to it as the "great underestimate", calculating figures of underdiagnosis that are around 70% in the Community of Madrid. 

Its chronic, progressive and partially reversible character has been the origin of multiple studies that value the need for an early diagnosis and make use of different tools and devices intended for it. Based on the existing literature, the many published guides and being aware of the needs of our population, we have proposed this pilot project whose main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint use of the COPD-PS questionnaire and the Vitalograph COPD 6 device.


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How to Cite

Monteagudo García, E., & Gutiérrez Bermúdez, E. (2018). Effectiveness of the use of the questionnaire and portable spirometer in the primary care consultation. Conocimiento Enfermero, 1(02), 34–56. https://doi.org/10.60108/ce.25



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